francesca tronchin image

Assistant professor of Art History, Rhodes College Department of Art.


I am currently working on a book manuscript tentatively entitled Collecting, Eclecticism, and Autobiography in the Houses of Rome and the Bay of Naples.

My dissertation topic was the Casa di Octavius Quartio at Pompeii.

Recent presentation:
"Against Interpretation 2012: Sociological Approaches to Roman Domestic Decoration." Delivered at the Annual Meeting of CAMWS, Baton Rouge, LA, May 2012.

Upcoming presentations:
"The Archaeology of Sculpture Collecting around the Bay of Naples," Nasvhille Chapter of the Archaeological Institute of America, October 2, 2012, Nashville Parthenon.

"The Patron is the Program: Understanding Roman Domestic Decoration as Autobiography," P. H. von Blankenhagen Lecture, Eugene, OR Chapter of the Archaeological Institute of America, October 15, 2012, Eugene Public Library.


At Rhodes College
Introduction to Western Art I
Classical Archaeology
Greek Art and Archaeology
Roman Art and Archaeology
Art and Architecture of Egypt and the Ancient Near East
The Social Life of Roman Sculpture
Domestic Architecture and Decoration Around the Bay of Naples (senior seminar)

At The Ohio State University
Art of the Ancient World
Classical Archaeology
Greek Art and Archaeology
Roman Art and Archaeology
Roman Sculpture
Domestic Architecture and Decor at Pompeii (graduate seminar)
Topography of Augustan Rome (graduate seminar)
Experiencing Rome: Approaches to an Ancient City (study abroad program)

Other projects

Classical Archaeology News blog