Francesca C. Tronchin

tronchin -at- • Skype: fratronchin •

Assistant Professor, Ancient Mediterranean Art & Archaeology

Department of Art and Art History, Rhodes College

Memphis, TN

Teaching and research interests

Classical art and archaeology; Greek and Roman sculpture; Roman domestic architecture and decor; Pompeii and other Vesuvian sites; reception of antiquity in the 18th century


Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts
Ph.D. in Art History, 2006
Dissertation title: An Eclectic Locus Artis: The Casa di Octavius Quartio in Pompeii

M.A. in Art History, 1999
Concentration in classical art and archaeology

Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts
B.A., 1995
Major: Ancient Studies Minor: Archaeology


American Academy in Rome, ITALY

Summer Program in Archaeology, 1999

College Year in Athens, GREECE

Junior Year Abroad, 1993-1994

Hebrew University, Jerusalem, ISRAEL

Summer Session, 1992

Fellowships, Awards, and Honors

2011-present  Lecturer, Archaeological Institute of America

2011-2012 Faculty Development Endowment Grant, Rhodes College

2010-2011 Faculty Internationalization Grant, Rhodes College

2009-2010 Canadian Research Council, Fellowship in Roman Archaeology

2008-2009 Postdoctoral Fellow, Getty Research Institute, Getty Villa

2006 National Endowment for the Humanities, Summer Institute: Models of Ancient Rome

2005 Dorot Foundation Graduate Student Travel Award

2004 Boston University Humanities Foundation Award (for dissertation research)

2000-2001 Boston University Outstanding Teaching Fellow Award

1997-2002 Boston University Graduate Student Fellowship

1999 Packard Humanities Foundation Grant (for participation in the American Academy in Rome’s Summer Program in Archaeology)

1992 Dorot Travel Grant (for study and travel in Israel)

Select Publications

With Eve D’Ambra, “Gender and Sexuality in Roman Sculpture,” in Elise Friedland, ed., Oxford Handbook of Roman Sculpture, in press.

Guest editor: Collectors and the Eclectic: New Approaches to Roman Domestic Decor, special volume, Arethusa, 45.3 (2012).

"Introduction: Collecting the Eclectic," Collectors and the Eclectic: New Approaches to Roman Domestic Decor, special volume, Arethusa 45.3 (2012): 261-282.

“Roman Collecting, Decorating, and Eclectic Practice in the Textual Sources,” in Collectors and the Eclectic: New Approaches to Roman Domestic Decoration, special volume, Arethusa 45.3 (2012): 333-345.

“Art, Nature, City, Country and the Problem of Villa Imitation,” Rivista di Studi Pompeiani, 2011, XXI.63-75.

“The Sculpture of the Casa di Octavius Quartio in Pompeii,” in Poehler et al., eds. Art, industry and infrastructure in Roman Pompeii (Oxbow Books), 24-40. 2011.

“Roman architecture” and “Roman furniture and household objects,” in The Encyclopedia of Society and Culture in the Ancient World (Facts on File, 2007), I.78-82, II.568-69.

“Kore and Kouros,” The Encyclopedia of Sculpture, Antonia Boström, ed., (Fitzroy Dearborn, 2004),  2.890-892.

Review of V. Platt, Facing the Gods: Epiphany and Representation in Graeco-Roman Art, Literature and Religion (Cambridge 2011). Classical Journal, 2012.08.14.

Review of R. M. Kousser, Hellenistic and Roman Ideal Sculpture: The Allure of the Classical (Cambridge/New York, 2008). Phoenix 64 (2010), 3-4.

Review of De Carolis, Mobile a Pompei ed Ercolano (Roma, 2007), Bonner Jahrbücher 208 (2008-2011),356-357.

Review of U. Pappalardo, The Splendor of Roman Wall Painting (Los Angeles, 2009). BMCR 2009.10.51

Works in Progress

Book ms: Collecting, Eclecticism, and Autobiography in the Houses of Rome and the Bay of Naples.

Internet presence

Blogging Pompeii

Selected Conference Papers and Invited Lectures

"Luxus on the Mississippi: Graceland Mansion as an Elite Roman Villa," Southwest Popular/American Culture Association Conference, Albuquerque, NM, February 2014.

"The Archaeology of Sculpture Collection Around the Bay of Naples," Archaeological Institute of America, Nashville Chapter, October 2012.

"Against Interpretation 2012: Sociological Approaches to Roman Domestic Decoration," Annual Meeting of CAMWS, Baton Rouge, LA, May 2012.

"The Political Topography of Augustan Rome," The Department of Greek and Latin, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, May 2011.

"Searching for Roman Collectors and Decor-ators in Texts and the Archaeological Record," Annual Meeting of CAMWS, Grand Rapids, MI, April 2011.

"The Patron is the Program: Understanding Roman Domestic Decoration as Autobiography," American Institute of Archaeology, Winnipeg Society, March 2010.

“Public Collections and Private Eclecticism: A New Approach to Roman Domestic Decor,” Getty Villa research presentation, May 2009.

"Living in Hyperreality: Disneyland, Pompeii, and Ancient Museums," Roman Archaeology Conference, University of Michigan, April 2009.

"Understanding Eclecticism in the Houses of the Vesuvian Region," California Classical Association Spring Conference, There's No Place Like Domus, Stanford University Archaeology Center, April 2008.

"Art and Nature, City and Country in the Houses of Pompeii," The Ohio State University and the Columbus Society of the Archaeological Institute of America, Columbus, May 2007.

The Sculpture of the Casa di Octavius Quartio at Pompeii,” Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, San Diego, January 2007.

Reconsidering the Authenticity of a Posthumous Portrait of the Emperor Augustus,” Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, Boston, January 2005.

Virtual Pompeii: Virtual Reality as a Visual Index for Pompeian Art and Archaeology,” presented with Diego Bonilla, CSUS Faculty Forum, Sacramento, December 2004.

An Eclectic Locus Artis: The Casa di Octavius Quartio in Pompeii,” Frick Symposium on the History of Art, The Frick Collection and the Institute of Fine Arts at New York University, New York, April 2004.

Achaia in the Roman House,” University of Missouri at Columbia Graduate Conference, Rome and Achaia: Greek Culture and the Roman World, Columbia, April 2003.

The Education of Ancient Artists,” California State University, Sacramento Conference, On the Education of ArtistsOther Times and Places, Sacramento, November 2002. 

Teaching experience

Rhodes College, Department of Art and Art History, Memphis, TN

The Ohio State University, History of Art Department, Columbus, Ohio
Visiting Assistant Professor, Academic Years 2006-2008

Sacramento State University, Art Department, Sacramento, California

Lecturer, Academic Years 2001-2006

Boston University, Art History Department, Boston, Massachusetts

Graduate Instructor, Summer Session 2000

Boston University, Art History Department, Boston, Massachusetts

Teaching Fellow, 1999-2001

Museum & Archival Experience

Greek Mythology Exhibition, Nagoya/Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Nagoya, Japan and Boston, Massachusetts

December 2000 to August 2001

Curatorial Assistant

Giza Archives Project, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Department of Egyptian and Near Eastern Art, Boston, Massachusetts

Project website:

September 2000 to January 2001

Documentation Associate

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Department of Classical Art, Boston, Massachusetts

May 1998 to August 2001

Volunteer and Curatorial Consultant

Boston University Art Gallery, Boston, Massachusetts
September 1997 to May 1999
Gallery Assistant

Archives of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, GREECE
August 1993 to May 1994
Archival Assistant

Archaeological Fieldwork

Università di Roma, “La Sapienza”
Pompeii Excavations: Triangular Forum and Casa della Pescatrice
1999, 2000

State University of New York and the American School for Classical Studies at Athens
Archaeological Survey of the Gournia region of East Crete
1993, 1994

W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research, the American School of Oriental Research in Jerusalem and Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Tel Miqne-Ekron Excavations
, Revadim, ISRAEL